Monday, September 21, 2009

First Sentence!

Sorry I don't have a picture to put along with this, but I had to post it simply for memory sake. So, Ava has always been very vocal. She's always jabbering....never stops. However, until recently we have had no idea what she has been saying. This was the case up until a couple of weeks ago when we understood perfectly what she was saying! It started when me, ava, my mom, and my dad took a little trip to Walmart. I decided I wanted to go look at what bikes, or little scooters they had for kids Ava's size. We got to the bikes and got down a really cool little scooter thing that had all kinds of buttons, noise makers, etc. Ava looked at it for a second and then promptly went over to the radio flyer trikes they had on the bottom shelf. She managed to pull one off the shelf and was trying to sit on it. Since she's about 1/2 the size she should be for her age ;) ;), naturally it was WAY to big for her. I put it back on the shelf and told her we were going to get the other one. And that's when it happened!! She uttered the first actual sentence I had heard come out of her mouth! she didn't exactly utter it ... she YELLED it! and it was.... NO!!!!! THIS IS MINE!!!! as she ran back to the trike and tried to pull it down. My mom and I just looked at each other like..."did she just say what I think she said?" Sure enough... clear as clear could be. Such a proud, yet disturbing moment for a mom. Your child's first real sentence... and that's what it was. "No! This is mine!". We are going to have our hands full!

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