Monday, June 18, 2012

Rain, Rain, go away!

Now, normally I'm not one to post whining, moaning posts. But, I guess I figure every now and then ya just gotta vent. Today is that day. So, be forewarned, if you don't want to hear a little drama....change the channel. If you want to know how my life has gone lately, stay tuned. That said.....

Evidenlty the saying is true....when it raind, it pours! And my preconceived notion that bad things only come in threes has now flown out the window. Here's how our last 2 1/2 weeks has gone.....This spans from June 3rd to today.....
 1) June 3rd, Ava hurts her leg jumping on the tramp.
2) June 4th, take Ava in for an xray on leg that she's now limping on.
3) June 5th, Ava is still limping. Easton face plants it on a totally random plastic cookie cutter that is on the floor (for who knows what reason) and cuts his cheek up.

4) June 6th, Ava wakes up saying her throat hurts. Take her back to dr. She has infected tonsils, conjunctivitis, and an ear infection. What the freak?!
5) June 7th, Rhett breaks out with a massive MAN COLD.....yes, the dreaded MAN COLD.
6) June 7th- June 13......the whole family gets to deal with said MAN COLD.
7) June 14th, Easton starts cutting front teeth. Yeah....we thought the MAN COLD was bad....
8) June 15th, Easton starts with a fever and is tugging on right ear. Back to the dr.  Nope, no ear infection, no strep. Did I mention he's MEAN when not feeling well.....
9) June 16th, Fever continues..... MEAN.....
10) June 17th Easton breaks out with Hand Foot Mouth Disease. yup....that's right.... Hand Foot Mouth Disease......No clue where he picked that one up.  RANDOM!

11)June 18th (today), Hand Foot Mouth Disease continues to plague Easton. However, he wasn't quite as mean today. That's always a plus.

I'm really, really hoping that there is no unfortunate day 12 to report to you all. Here's to hoping and praying that things start going back up. I guess it can't really go anywhere but up from here eh?

1 comment:

Burningham Family said...

I'd say you're done for the year! The next 11 months are bound to be better! :) I hope everybody's on the mend!!