Thursday, May 15, 2008


Good news!!! I think ava's refux is finally under control! Happy day! She does very good now and hardly spits up at all. Complete day and night change. Very welcomed result after projectile vomiting, countless trips to the pediatrician, low weight gain, 2 trips to Primary Children's Hospital for tests, several chiropractor visits, and who knows how many outfit changes and soaked burb cloths. They switched her medicine again and its been 2 weeks and things are much better! She's gaining weight normally now and is generally happier. And today she actually didn't scream when I put her in her carseat.... TWICE!!! Things are looking up!

1 comment:

Alisha LeBaron said...

What a cute blog! It is so much fun! and I can't believe how much ava has grown she is so cute!